Diese Einträge stammen aus der Österreichischen Dissertations-Datenbank in unredigierter Form Pagination: 245 p. Publikationsdatum: 1992 Sprache: deutsch Affiliation: UK00150; Institut fuer Romanistik; Universitaet Klagenfurt Begutachter: Schulz-Buschhaus, U. Meter, H. Akad. Grad: Thesis (Dr. phil.) Klassifikation: G0332 (Literatur: Romanische) Schlagworte deutsch: MUTTERGESCHICHTEN; DAUDET, ALPHONSE; DURAS, MARGUERITE; SARRAUTE, NATHALIE; Schlagworte englisch: MOTHER STORIES; DAUDET, ALPHONSE; DURAS, MARGUERITE; SARRAUTE, NATHALIE; Zusammenfassung englisch: The figure of the 'bad' mother arrived on the literary scene at the same time as the model of the modern concept of the 'good' mother was completed, and then accepted as generally valid. At the center of this concept is mother love, constant and unconditional - a feeling that had first to be 'discovered' and then during the following three centuries would be moved from a marginal theme to the decisive one of women's lives. This development is illustrated by the examples of Mme de Sevigne, Mme d'Epinay, Balzac's 'Memoires de deux jeunes mariees' and Michelet's 'La Femme'. From this social- historical background literary texts from the end of the 19th century (Daudet, Valles, Renard) and the 20th century (Sarraute, Duras) are analysed, texts that question this ideal through its opposite, whereby attention is drawn equally to the what and the how: what makes a 'bad' mother? What are her 'sins'? What is she held responsible for? What is the author's mise en scene like? From which perspective is she examined? Which language, which ecriture does the author choose in order to speak and write about a subject that especially in the 19th century was new and provocative. The texts show how surprisingly quickly literature frees itself from an expected and accusing discourse in order to search for new forms for the confrontation with the theme of the 'bad' mother which has increasingly become not a moral theme but an existential one. This study, then, attempts to delineate this process of the slow breaking down of the static concept of mother ('good' mother - 'bad' mother) on the one hand and, on the other, of the traditional forms of narrative